It’s time to fix Michigan’s family courts.

Michigan families face complex personal issues that often end up being adjudicated in a court of law. From divorce and custody disputes to child welfare and domestic violence cases, there are many deeply sensitive matters for Michigan judges to decide.

Three decades after Michigan established its family court system, we know the statute isn’t meeting the needs of families.

Delays, inconsistency, and inefficiency—not to mention poor decisions that are too often reversed on appeal—are hallmarks of today's family court system, primarily due to the constant rotation of judges and other factors that result in adverse outcomes for Michigan families and children.

The time to act is now.

Children and Parents Deserve Better

Frustrated by the lack of consistent, fair outcomes for their clients, family law attorneys have developed a stronger way forward. The Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan backs common-sense reforms that can correct much of what's going wrong in today's judicial system. Their plan is based on the state’s business court model, which requires judges to apply and be trained.

Their plan is based on the principle of "one family, one judge" and requires family law judges to be well-versed in the law they'll administer.

Here's how—and why—it will work.

  • A new, non-rotating Family Division bench will be created.

  • A true "one family, one judge" mandate will be implemented to ensure judges have a complete picture of each Michigan family's experience.

  • Judges without minimum experience in family law will be required to receive the necessary education and training.

  • Stakeholders must review Family Division plans to ensure they meet with the intent of the law.

  • Family Division judges must be elected separately instead of as an additional name on the Circuit judge bench to ensure their unique capabilities and strength over time.

“We spent years wondering what would happen to our family, all because our judge didn't have a basic understanding of the law. She had no idea what she was doing.”

MICHAEL BLUM, Adoptive dad from SE Michigan